Monday 29 September 2014

Blog 2. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new - Albert Einstein

At first, I was thinking of dropping Bioprocessing. However, having attended the second week lecture/workshop, I was convinced that this module will be beneficial for the path I want to take in the future which is the Bio-pharmaceutical industry. The whole module in general seemed very challenging yet enthralling.  Looking back from my definition of Bioprocessing last week, it is now more explicit. It helps me put everything I have learned the past years together in application to the real world. However, I still feel the informations I have are not enough and thus I did further research by reading more recent articles. The assigned task from last week to read an article tackling the past, present and future issues about a certain topic influenced me a lot. This served as an eye-opener to me about what is really going on in the real world. 

Having a group discussion about the different aspects of Bioprocessing, examples of bioprocessed products, and the things to consider when starting a small scale, helped me to think about the module in depth which enraptured me. Also, I learnt about what my group know about the module and compared what I know. Unfortunately, I realized that I need to learn more. Therefore, I searched more bioprocessed things and their applications. After reading some stuffs about it, I see Bioprocessing unputdownable that the more you know about it, the more it gets interesting.



On the other hand, the "speed dating" we did in the workshop didn't turn out well for me. My article was about The Recent progress in Consolidated Bioprocessing (CBP) which focuses on the advances made for its development and includes native strategy (development of genetic systems for several cellulolytic anaerobic bacteria) and recombinant strategy (high yield conversion of model cellulosic substrates in yeast). It was hard to narrow the article down but as I talk more, it triggered me to point out the main points. This is because I did not really highlight the main points of my chosen article before the class as asked. Nevertheless, it helped me improve my communication and presentation skills. After hearing what others read, the one that really caught my attention was the article about looking at the challenges to produce a better product at a lower cost. This will be beneficial for our project as people nowadays wants a product that is cheap to buy but gives a better effect.

In conclusion, Albert Einstein said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new". This served as an inspiration to me that it's okay to have mistakes as it will help us overcome different things and bring out the best we can offer.

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